The Triple Alliance, Its Trials and Triumphs Page 9
The weeks slipped away, and the Triple Alliance soon got over theirnew-boy trials, and began to enjoy all the rights and privileges ofRonleigh College boys. They wrote letters to Miss Eleanor and to theirformer schoolfellows, and received in reply the latest news from TheBirches.
"The Philistines are quite friendly now," wrote Acton. "We had a matchagainst them last week on their ground, and they gave us tea after.It's awfully slow; I almost wish that chap Noaks was back."
"So do I," added Diggory, as he finished the sentence; "we could verywell spare him."
"Oh, he's all right," answered Jack Vance; "that row's blown over now.As long as we leave him alone he won't interfere with us."
"Won't he!" returned the other; "you take my word for it, he hasn'tforgotten what you said about his father, and he's only waiting for achance to pay us out. Whenever I go near him he looks as black as ink."
It was customary at Ronleigh to have what was called a half-termholiday. This was usually given on a Monday, to enable those boys wholived within a short distance of the school to spend the week endat home; while, in the winter or spring terms, the boarders who remainedat the school usually devoted the greater portion of the day to apaper-chase.
"I shall go home," said Jack Vance to his two chums; "Todderton's onlyabout half an hour's ride from here on the railway. And, I say, I'vegot a grand idea: I'm going to write and get my mater to invite youfellows to come too! It would be jolly to have a meeting there of theTriple Alliance, and I'm sure old Denson would let you go if we cameback on Monday night."
Both Mugford and Diggory were charmed with the idea. "But d'you reallythink your mater would have us?" they asked.
"Of course she will, if I ask her," answered Jack, and straightway satdown to write the letter.
By Wednesday evening everything, including the formal invitation and thedoctors permission to accept the same, had been obtained, and for thetwo following days the Triple Alliance could talk or think of littleelse besides their projected excursion. At length Saturday came, and assoon as morning school was over they rushed upstairs to change intotheir best clothes; and having crammed their night-shirts, brushes andcombs, etc., into a hand-bag, hurried off to the railway station, inorder that they might, as Jack put it, "be home in time for dinner."
Just as they were getting into the train, who should come out of thebooking-office but young Noaks.
"Hullo!" said Jack. "He must be going home too; I hope he won't come inhere."
The new-comer, however, had no intention of making another attempt toforce his society on the Triple Alliance; he passed them with a surlynod, and entered a compartment at the other end of the train.
Jack Vance lived in the suburbs of Todderton, about twenty minutes' walkfrom the railway; but for all that he managed to carry out his intentionof being home in time for dinner; and the three boys, after receiving ahearty welcome, were soon seated down to a repast which came veryacceptable after seven weeks of school fare.
"Jack," said Mr. Vance, "you know that house that was to let just on theother side of The Hermitage? Who d'you think's taken it?"
"I don't know, father."
"Why, that man Simpson, the uncle of your friend what's-his-name."
"He isn't my friend," answered Jack. "You mean Noaks. Fancy his comingto live so near to us as that! We saw him in the train just now.He's here for the holiday."
"I ought to tell you," continued Mr. Vance, turning to Diggory, "thatour next-door neighbour is called 'The Hermit.' He's a queer oldfellow, who lives by himself, and never makes friends or speaks to anyone. He's supposed to be very clever, and I've heard it said that he'sgot a very valuable collection of coins, and is quite an authority onthe subject; it's one of his hobbies."
"I suppose," said Mugford thoughtfully, "that as he's a hermit that'swhy his place is called The Hermitage."
"Well done, Mug!" said Jack, speaking with his mouth pretty full;"you're getting quite sharp."
"Yes, that's it," continued Mr. Vance, laughing. "The old man's awayfrom home just now; he was suffering from rheumatism very badly, and thedoctor ordered him to a course of treatment at some baths."
The conversation turned on other topics, and when at length they rosefrom the table, Jack proposed a stroll round the garden.
There were many things to see--some pet rabbits, a swing, and an oldsummer-house, which Jack, being, we should say, of a decidedly nauticalturn of mind, had turned into a sort of miniature shipbuilding yardfor the construction of model vessels; though at present the chief useto which the place seemed to have been put was the production of a greatamount of chips and shavings.
"I say," exclaimed the owner, after he and his friends had amusedthemselves for some time boring holes in the door with a brace, "I knowwhat we'll do: let's go over and explore The Hermitage!"
Anything with a spice of excitement in it was meat and drink to Diggory.He immediately seconded the proposition, and Mugford, after a moment'shesitation, agreed to join his companions in the enterprise.
They strolled off down the path, and soon reached a long stretch ofbrick wall, the top of which was thickly covered with fragments ofbroken bottles.
"There's a place down at the other end where we can get over," saidJack. "I smashed the glass with a hammer, because I lost a ball and hadto climb over and get it, one day last holidays."
The Hermitage was surrounded on all sides by a thick mass of shrubs andtrees, through which a moment later the Triple Alliance were cautiouslythreading their way. Emerging from the bushes, they found themselvesstanding on a gravel path, green with moss and weeds, which ran roundthe house--a queer, dilapidated-looking building, which seemed sadly inwant of repair: the plaster was cracked and discoloured, while the doorsand windows had long stood in need of a fresh coating of paint.
"I say," whispered Mugford, "hadn't we better go back? what if the oldchap's at home!"
"Oh, it's all right; there's nobody about," answered Jack. "Let's go onand see what the place is really like."
They tip-toed round the building. It was evidently unoccupied, thoughthe delightful sense of uncertainty that at any moment some one mightpounce out upon them or walk down the drive made the questionableadventure very charming.
"Have you ever been inside?" asked Diggory.
"No, rather not; I don't think any one has except the doctor, and an oldwoman who comes in to do the house-work."
"Well, then, I'm going in," answered Diggory, with a twinkle in his eye.
"Go on! Why, you might be had up for house-breaking!"
"Rubbish! I'm not going to steal anything.--Here, Mug, lend me yourknife a minute."
"I don't believe this one's fastened," he continued, walking up to oneof the windows. "No, it isn't. Bother! I'm awfully sorry, Mugford."
Using the big blade of the clasp-knife as a lever, Diggory had justsucceeded in raising the sash the fraction of an inch, when the steelsuddenly snapped off short at the handle.
"Oh, never mind," said the owner; "let's go back now. What if we'reseen!"
"Oh, there's no fear of that," answered Jack, who was always infectedwith the adventurous spirit of his chum.--"Go on, Diggy; I'll cometoo."
By inserting their fingers in the aperture, the boys soon raised thesash, and a few seconds later Diggory mounted the ledge and scrambledthrough the window "Come on," he said; "the coast's all clear."
Jack Vance joined him immediately, and Mugford, not wishing to be leftalone outside, was not long in making up his mind to follow hiscompanions.
The room in which the three boys found themselves was evidently alibrary or study. Book-shelves, and cupboards with glass doors,containing geological and other specimens, occupied much of the wallspace; while in the centre of the floor stood a large writing-table,covered with a miscellaneous collection of pens, ink-pots, bundles ofpapers, and a polished mahogany box which could easily be recognized asa microscope-case.
The intruders stood for a few moments gazing round in silence.The place did not look very interesting, and smelt rather damp andmouldy.
"I say," exclaimed Jack Vance, "look there: he don't seem very carefulhow he leaves his things when he goes away."
As he spoke he pointed across to the opposite side of the room, where,between two bookcases, an iron safe had been let into the wall.The heavy door was standing half open, while the floor beneath wasstrewn with a quantity of shallow wooden trays lined with green baize.
"Old bachelors are always untidy," remarked Diggory. "Let's see wherethis door leads to." He turned the handle as he spoke, and walked outinto a gloomy little hall paved with cold, bare flagstones, which causedtheir footsteps to waken mournful echoes in the empty house.
"I say, you fellows, don't let's go any further," murmured Mugford;"we've seen enough now. Suppose the old chap came back and--"
He never reached the end of the sentence, for Diggory suddenly raisedhis hand, exclaiming in a whisper, "Hark! what was that?"
The loud ticking of Mugford's old turnip of a watch was distinctlyaudible in the silence which followed.
"What is it, Diggy? what--"
"Hark! there it is again; listen."
The suspense became awful. At length Diggory dropped his hand."Didn't you hear footsteps?" he asked. "I'm certain there's some onewalking about on the gravel path."
"We shall be caught," whimpered Mugford; "I knew we should. What can wedo?"
"Bolt!" answered Diggory, and began tip-toeing back towards the librarydoor. "Stay here half a 'jiffy,'" he added; "I'll go and reconnoitre."
Ages seemed to pass while Jack Vance and Mugford stood in the darkpassage awaiting their companion's return. At length the door waspushed softly open.
"It's all right; there's no one there. I must have been mistaken.Come along."
In a very short time the Triple Alliance were once more outside TheHermitage. Diggory lingered for a moment to close the window, and thenfollowed his companions through the shrubs and over the wall.
"You are a great ass, Diggy, to go giving us a start like that," saidJack, as they paused for a moment to take breath before returning to thehouse.
"Well, I could have sworn I heard the gravel crunch as if some one waswalking on it," returned the other. "I should think the place must behaunted."
A good tea, with all kinds of nice things on the table, soon revived theboys from the trifling shock which their nerves had sustained, and bythe end of the evening their adventure was wellnigh forgotten.They were destined, however, to remember it for many a long day to come,and before many hours had passed they were heartily wishing that theyhad never set foot inside The Hermitage, but kept on their own side ofthe wall.
The party were seated at supper on Sunday evening, when a servantentered the room, and addressing her master said, "If you please, sir,there's a policeman called to see you."
Jack's father rose from his chair, remarking, in a jocular manner,"I expect it's one of you young gentlemen he's come after."
The meal was nearly over when Mr. Vance returned and reseated himself atthe table.
"Did either of you hear the dog bark last night?" he asked.
"No; why?"
"Why, because old Fossberry's house has been broken into, and they thinkthe thieves must have come through our garden; there were some footmarksin the shrubbery just on the other side of the wall."
The hearts of the Triple Alliance seemed to jump into their throats, andtheir mouths grew dry and parched. Jack stared at Mugford, and Mugfordstared at Diggory, but none of them spoke.
"It seems," continued Mr. Vance, not noticing the effect which his firstannouncement had produced on at least three of his hearers, "that theold woman who looks after the house went there this morning, and foundthat the iron safe in which the old chap keeps his coins had been openedand the whole collection removed. The only trace of the thieves thatthe police have been able to discover is the broken blade of aclasp-knife, which was on a flower-bed near the window."
"What will they get if they are caught?" asked Jack faintly.
"Oh, penal servitude, I suppose; it's a serious business housebreaking."
"How quiet you boys are!" said Mrs. Vance a short time later."I think you must be tired. Wouldn't you like to go to bed?"
The three friends were only too glad to avail themselves of this excusefor getting away into some place where they could indulge in a littleprivate conversation. Diggory and Mugford slept together in the sameroom; Jack followed them in and closed the door.
"Well," he exclaimed, "we're in a nice mess."
"But we didn't steal the coins," said Mugford.
"Of course we didn't--the safe had been robbed before we went there--butit looks as if we'd done it; and if they find out we got into the house,I don't see how we're going to prove that we're innocent."
There was a short silence; then Diggory spoke.
"Look here, Jack: I was the one who proposed going inside the place;shall I tell your guv'nor?"
"Well, I was thinking of doing that myself, only I don't see what goodit can do. If we tell him, he'll be bound to tell the police, toexplain about those footmarks; and when it comes out that we got intothe house, I should think we are pretty certain to be charged withhaving stolen the coins. I think the best thing will be to keep itdark: we didn't crib the things, and the thieves are sure to be caughtin time."
Even after Jack had retired to his own room, Diggory and Mugford layawake for hours discussing the situation; and when at length they didfall asleep, it was only to dream of being chased by "The Hermit"and a swarm of long-legged policemen, who forced their way into theThird Form classroom at Ronleigh, and handcuffed the unfortunate trio inthe very bosom of "The Happy Family."
The following morning was spent in visiting such parts of the town ofTodderton as were worth seeing.
"Upon my word," said Jack, "I feel funky to show my nose outside ourgate, just as if I really had prigged those wretched coins. I shan't beat all sorry this evening to get back to Ronleigh. It's all in thepaper this morning; it mentions the footmarks and the knife-blade, andsays that as yet the police have not been able to discover any furthertraces of the robbers."
The conditions on which the half-term holiday was granted required everyboy to return to school on the Monday evening, and accordingly, aboutseven o'clock, the Triple Alliance found themselves once more on theirway to the railway station. They took their seats, and had hardly doneso when young Noaks entered the compartment.
"Hullo, you fellows!" he exclaimed; "didn't you hear me whistle?I was standing over there by the book-stall."
Regarding this as an overture of friendship after their recentencounter, Jack Vance replied in an equally amicable manner, and after afew common-place remarks the party relapsed into silence. At Chatton,the station before Ronleigh, a man who had so far travelled with themgot out, and the four boys were left alone. Hardly had the trainstarted again when Noaks put down his paper, and turning to hiscompanions said,--
"That's a rum business about that old chap's house being robbed, isn'tit?"
Something in the speaker's look and in the tone of his voice caused thethree listeners to experience an unpleasant quickening of their pulses.
"Yes," answered Diggory, with a well-assumed air of indifference."I suppose they'll catch the thieves in time."
"I suppose so," returned the other, "especially if they find the chapwho owns that knife with the broken blade."
The malignant look with which these words was accompanied showed at oncethat the speaker meant mischief. The three friends looked at oneanother in horrified amazement. Could it be possible that their visitto The Hermitage had already been discovered?
Noaks watched their faces for a moment, evidently well pleased with theeffect which his remark had produced; then he burst out laughing.
"Look here," he continued, producing from his pocket a buck-handledclasp-knife: "I wond
er if that's anything like it; I see the big blade'sbroken."
The Triple Alliance recognized it in a moment as one of the articlesthat had been rescued from Mugford's sale at The Birches; in fact, theowner's name appeared plainly engraved on the small brass plate.
Diggory was the first to find his tongue.
"What d'you mean? We didn't steal the coins!"
"My dear fellow, I never said you did. I only know that on Saturday Iwas looking over our wall, through an opening there happens to be in theshrubs, and saw you fellows climbing out of the old chap's window; andafter you'd gone I noticed something lying in the path, and I hoppedover, and picked up this knife."
"Give it here; it's mine," said Mugford, holding out his hand.
"No fear," answered the other, calmly returning the piece of lostproperty to his own pocket. "In this case finding's keeping; besides,I'm not sure if I couldn't get a reward for this if I sent it to theright place."
The train began to slacken speed as it approached Ronleigh station.
"Look here, Noaks," cried Jack Vance, in a fit of desperation, "what areyou going to do? You know very well we are not thieves."
"I don't know anything of the sort," returned the tormentor, standing upto take his bag off the rack; "all I know is just what I've told you.See here, Mr. Vance," he continued, rounding on Jack with a suddensnarl, "you were good enough some little time ago to make some verycaddish remarks about my father; in the future you'd better keep yourmouth shut. I owe all three of you a dressing down for things thathappened at Chatford, and now you'd better mind your P's and Q's if youdon't want to be hauled up for housebreaking."
With this parting threat the ex-Philistine left the carriage. Mugford,Jack, and Diggory gazed at one another for a moment with anything but ahappy look on their faces. One after another they slowly gathered uptheir things and stepped out on to the platform. Hardly had they doneso when they heard their names called, and turning round beheld thesmall figure of "Rats" rushing forward to meet them.
"Hullo!" he exclaimed. "Old Ally sent me down to get a paper, and Ithought you'd come by this train. I say, there's a fine row on up atthe school--such a lark; I'll tell you about it as we go along."