The Triple Alliance, Its Trials and Triumphs Read online

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  The news caused a profound sensation, the like of which had probablynever been witnessed at The Birches before--no, not even on thatmemorable occasion when the intelligence arrived that Scourer, one ofthe past seniors, had ridden his bicycle through the plate-glass windowof Brown's big crockery-shop, and was being brought home on a shutter.

  All the boys threw down their books, and started to their feet.Acton and Vance banished from their minds all thought of thedisagreement which had lately estranged them from their unfortunateschool-fellow, and joined heartily in the general outburst of wrath andconsternation.

  The thought that Diggory, their well-beloved, was at that very momentlanguishing, a prisoner of war, in the hands of the Philistines wasalmost unbearable.

  "What will they do with him?"--"Where have they put him?"--"How can werescue the fellow?" were questions which everybody was asking, but noone could answer. It seemed altogether beyond their power to doanything, and yet there was not a boy who would not have given hisdearest possession, were it a white rat or a stamp collection, if byparting with it he could have rendered some assistance to his ill-fatedcomrade.

  "There's only half an hour before tea," said Vance, looking up at theclock; "if anything can be done, we must do it at once."

  The precious moments sped away, but in vain did the assembly rack theirbrains for some plan of action which might in any way be likely to servethe purpose they had in view. The first wild suggestion, that theyshould go in a body and carry Horace House by storm, was abandoned asimpracticable; in hopeless inactivity they stood watching the longhand of the clock creep up from six till twelve.

  The first tea-bell had just finished ringing, when there was a sound offootsteps hurrying along the passage, the door burst open, and in rushedno other person than Diggory himself!

  "Hullo! how did you get away?"--"What have they been doing?"--"How didyou escape?"

  "Oh, such a lark!" cried the boy. "They'll wish they'd never caught me!I'll tell you all about it after tea."

  As soon as the meal was over, Diggory was seized, hurried up into theschoolroom, and there forced to relate his adventures.

  "Well," he began, "they collared me, and dragged me through the gatesand along into their playground. Noaks looked at me and said, 'Hullo,here's luck! This is the young beggar who tied that rope to thescrapers; I vote we give him a jolly good licking.' I told them that myfather was a lawyer, and if any of them touched me he'd take a summonsout against them for assault. That frightened Noaks, for you can seehe's a regular coward, so he asked the others what they thought hadbetter be done with me.

  "'I know,' said Hogson. 'There's an old cow-shed in the field next toours; let's shut him in and keep him there till after tea. He'll get ajolly row for being late when he gets back, and he won't dare to saywhere he's been; because I know it's against their rules to comeanywhere near us, and Locker's Lane is out of bounds. If he does tell,we'll swear he was in the road chucking stones at the windows.'

  "Some one said there was only a staple on the door of the shed, butNoaks said he'd fetch the padlock off his play-box, and so he did.

  "Well, they took me across their playing field, and over the hedge intothe next, and shut me up in this beastly old hovel. 'It's no use yourmaking a row,' said Hogson, 'because no one'll hear you; and if youdo, summons or no summons we'll come down and give you a licking.'After that they left me, and went back to the house; and as soon asthey'd gone, I began to try to find some way of escape, but it was sodark inside the shed I couldn't see anything. Presently I heard aknocking on the boards. There was a wide crack between them in oneplace, and looking through it I could just make out that there was someboy standing there with what looked like a dirty apron over histrousers. I said, 'Hullo!' and he said, 'Hullo! what's up? who are you?and what have they been a-sticking of you in there for?'

  "I told him, and asked him who he was, and it turned out his name wasJoe Crump, and he's the boy who cleans the knives at Philips's.He happened to be knocking about when they took me prisoner, and hecouldn't see who it was in the dark, and thought it might be his youngerbrother who comes on errands from the grocer's; the Philistines arealways playing tricks on him.

  "I said, 'Look here, Joe Crump, you let me out, there's a good chap.'But he wouldn't; he was afraid of what young Noaks would do to him.At last I gave him a shilling through the crack of the boards, and vowedI wouldn't say who'd done it, and then he undid the door. I fastenedthe padlock again, and threw the key into the hedge, for Noaks had leftit in the keyhole; so now he won't be able to get his lock again unlesshe either breaks it or the staple, and they're both pretty tough.After that I got round through two other fields into the lane, and hereI am."

  The conclusion of Diggory's story was hailed with shouts of triumph.To imagine the disappointment of the Philistines when they discoveredthat the bird had flown, and the chagrin of young Noaks when he foundthat his play-box padlock was fastened to the door of the shed, wassimply delightful; and Acton was so carried away that he once more fellon Diggory's neck, and pretended to shed tears of joy upon the latter'sbroad turn-down collar.

  "But that's not all," cried the youngster, shaking himself free from hisleader's embrace. "The best is this. I had a bit of a talk with JoeCrump before I came away, and he says that young Noaks is going to leaveat the end of this term, and he's been telling the Philistines thatbefore he goes he means to do something that'll pay us out for his beingsent off the field in that football match. Crump doesn't know what hemeans to do, but I made him promise, if he finds out, to come and tellme, and I'll give him another shilling. Then we shall be prepared."

  "I say, Diggy," exclaimed Jack Vance, "you are a _corker!_" and the bellnow commencing to ring for evening preparation, the meeting terminated.

  It was an annual custom at The Birches for the boys to subscribe towardsgetting a display of fireworks, which were let off in the playgroundunder the superintendence of Mr. Blake. The head-master himself gave adonation towards the fund, and allowed the boys to prepare the nextday's work in the afternoon instead of in the evening.

  This year, however, when Acton went, as usual, to the library toformally ask permission that the celebration should take place, he metwith a terrible rebuff.

  "No, Acton," answered Mr. Welsby; "as long as the school continues to bedisgraced by these repeated thefts--as, for example, this recentinstance of Morris's watch and chain--I do not feel inclined to allowthe same privileges as before. There will be no fireworks this term."

  As may be imagined, when the dux reported the result of his visit tohead-quarters, the news created great excitement. The unfortunateoccupants of the "Main-top," who were still in the position ofscapegoats, were hunted round the place by an indignant mob, and fled,vainly protesting their innocence, from one shelter to another, untilthey finally escaped from the playing field into the open country, wherethey hid behind hedges for the remainder of the afternoon.

  "Look here," exclaimed Jack Vance, as the Triple Alliance were wendingtheir way from the playground to the house, "there's only one thing tobe done, and that is, we must set Miss Eleanor on old Welsby's track.She'll make him alter his mind. Some one must go and ask her.--Acton,you're the man; you must do it!"

  "I'm shot if I do!" answered the dux, turning round to face the trio,and walking backwards up the path; "why should I go more than any otherfellow?"

  "Why, because you've got such a way with you," returned Diggory."She'd be sure to do it for you; why, the last time you spoke to her shegave you a lump of cake."

  Acton seized the speaker by the neck and shook him like a rat."You're the cheekiest little imp I ever came across," he said. "I've ajolly good mind to give you a good licking, only I don't believe you'dcare tu'pence if I did!"

  "Well, anyhow you've got to go," answered Diggory, calmly picking up hiscap, which had fallen to the ground; "and if you're afraid to go alonefor fear she should think it's another
proposal, I'll come with you."

  After some further discussion it was agreed that the thing should beattempted. The two boys found Miss Eleanor making cake, and theconference began by Diggory's having his ears boxed for picking plumsout of the dough. But no one ever appealed to Miss Eleanor withoutbeing sure, at all events, of a patient hearing, and the followingmorning Mr. Welsby informed the school that he had been led toreconsider his decision regarding the fifth of November, and that theymight have their display as usual.

  Accordingly, the fireworks were ordered, and arrived soon afterbreakfast on the morning of the fourth. Miss Eleanor had a dread ofgunpowder, and Mr. Blake sent Jack Vance to tell Noaks to carry thebox as usual down into the shed.

  "Humph!" growled the man, as the boy gave him the message. "It's a nicething that I should have to fetch and carry all your fooling playthingsfor you; it's a pity you young gen'lemen can't do something foryourselves, instead of bothering me."

  "Well, it isn't my orders," answered Jack; "it's Mr. Blake's."

  "Mr. Blake's, is it? All right, I'll do it when I can spare the time."

  When the boys came out at interval, the box was still lying about in theyard, although there were heavy clouds overhead threatening rain.Mr. Blake sent for Noaks, and a rather sharp passage of arms took placebetween them, which ended in the man's being told to leave what he wasdoing and carry the fireworks down to the shed.

  "I believe he left them on purpose, in the hope they'd get wet," saidShaw. "He hates us all like poison, and I believe it's all because hisson's at the other school. D'you remember what a row he kicked up whenhe heard Acton say that the Philistines were cads for shooting at uswith catapults?"

  "Yes," answered Morris; "and if he hates us, he hates Blake a jollysight worse. He's been like it ever since that football match; andhe'll get sacked if he doesn't mind, for Blake won't stand his cheekmuch longer."

  The purchase of fireworks had this year been more extensive than on anyprevious occasion, and every one was looking forward with greatanticipation to the business of the following evening.

  "I say, Diggy," cried Acton at the close of afternoon school, "I wishyou'd run down into the playground and bring up that football flagthat's got to be mended; I left it in the corner by the shed.I'd go myself, but I want to finish this letter before tea."

  Diggory trotted off to fetch the flag, and Jack Vance, who was loiteringabout one of the passages, accompanied him down into the playground.It was very dark, the stars being hidden by heavy clouds.

  "I say," exclaimed Diggory, "it'll be a splendid night for the fireworksif it's like this to-morrow. We must get--Hark! what's that?"

  "I didn't hear anything."

  "Yes, there was a sort of a rapping sound. Hush! there it is again."

  Jack heard it this time. "It's some one knocking very gently againstthat door leading into Locker's Lane," he whispered.

  They groped their way across the playground until they reached the wall.There was no mistake about it--some one was gently tapping with hisknuckles on the other side of the door.

  "Who's there?" asked Jack Vance.

  "I want to speak to the young gen'leman who was locked up t'other day inthe cow-shed," was the answer, given in a low voice which Diggoryinstantly recognized.

  "I know him," he said; "it's Joe Crump. Here, give me a leg up, andI'll talk to him over the wall.--All right, Joe; I'm the chap."

  "Well, if you are," answered the voice, "you'll remember you offered mea bob if I could find out and tell you when somebody was going to dosomething."

  "Well, what's the news?"

  "Give me the money first, and then I'll tell you."

  Jack Vance fortunately had the required coin in his pocket, and Diggorydropped it into Joe Crump's cap.

  "Well, the news is this," said the latter, speaking in the same lowtone--"that there Noaks and Hogson are coming up here to-night justafore nine o'clock, and they're a-going to drown your fireworks."

  "Drown our fireworks! why, what ever d'you mean? How do they know we'vegot any fireworks? and how can they get at them when they're all lockedup?"

  "I can't say," returned Crump, "so it's no use asking me. I only knowsthat Noaks is a-going to do it; 'drown 'em all in a bucket of water,'was what he said. Remember you promised to tell nothink about me,that's all. Good-night, mister!"

  The stranger vanished in the darkness, and Diggory dropped down from thewall.

  "Here's a pretty go!" he remarked. "What are we to do? there's no timeto lose. Come on, Jack, let's go and tell Acton."

  The latter was engaged on the closing sentence of his letter; but onhearing the intelligence which Diggory had to impart, he threw theunfinished epistle into his desk, and rose to his feet with anexclamation of astonishment.

  "D'you think it's really true? or is this fellow, Lump or Bump orwhatever you call him, trying to take a rise out of us, or telling liesto earn the shilling?"

  "I don't think so," answered Diggory, "and I'll tell you why. For somereason or other, he's at daggers drawn with young Noaks and Hogson.I think they've knocked him about, and he's doing it to pay them out."

  "But how did they get to know about our fireworks? and how do theyreckon they're going to get them out of the shed? Look here, hadn't webetter tell Blake?"

  "We can't do that," answered Jack Vance, "or it'll get Diggy in a row.If he says anything about Joe Crump, it'll all come out about his havingbeen in Locker's Lane when the Philistines caught him, and of coursethat's against rules."

  "What time did he say they meant to come?"

  "About a quarter to nine."

  There was a silence which lasted for over a minute; then Diggory spoke.

  "This is what I think we'd better do. If they come at all, they arecertain to be here soon after half-past eight, because I heard Foxtelling Blake on the day of the match that they go to bed at nine.We won't tell any one, but as soon as 'prep' is over we'll cut down intothe playground, and when they come we'll kick up a row. They'll soonmake tracks if they find they're discovered, and it'll be better thansaying anything to Blake about it, and we shall have defeated themourselves."

  "All right," answered Acton. "But it'll look queer if we all three stopout from supper; two's enough. I'll go for one, and you and Vance tossup."

  This suggestion was accepted with some reluctance, as both boys wereanxious to take part in the adventure. Acton's word, however, was law,and eventually Diggory was chosen by fate to be his companion.

  Directly after tea all the boys paid a visit to the shed; the door wassecurely locked, as also was the one leading into Locker's Lane, and itseemed impossible for the Philistines to carry out their evil designsupon the fireworks.

  "I believe it's all bunkum," said Acton, as they strolled back towardsthe house. "However, we'll come down as we said, and just see ifanything happens."

  Three boys, at all events, did very little work that evening, for it wasimpossible to concentrate one's mind on Caesar or on French verbs withsuch an adventure looming in the near future. How would the Philistinesget at the fireworks? Would they change their minds, and instead ofdrowning them apply a slow match and blow up the shed? or would it,after all, turn out to be only a false alarm, raised by the boy Crumpfor the sake of the promised shilling?

  These and other thoughts filled the minds of the trio as they satfrowning at the books in front of them. The clock seemed to go slowerand slower, until they really began to wonder whether it had stopped.At length the long hand reached the half-past. Mr. Blake yawned, putdown his paper, and said, "Put away your work, and pass on to supper."

  Acton and Diggory, both tingling with excitement, lingered behind untilthe rest had left the room; then, when the coast was clear, they slippedout into the garden, and hurried down the sloping path. It wasconsiderably lighter than it had been before tea; the clouds had clearedaway, and there were plenty of stars.

  "Locked," muttered Acton, examining the shed. "Locked," he repeated,trying the do
or leading into Locker's Lane. "I don't believe there'sanything in it. They might get over the wall if one gave the other aleg up, but then how's the last man to get back again?"

  "Well, if there's nothing in it," answered Diggory, "how should JoeCrump have got to know we had any fireworks in the place? There must--Hush! what's that?"

  There was a sound of footsteps coming down the path from the house."_Cave!_" cried Acton. "It's Blake; let's hide!"

  Several shrubs growing in the garden and overhanging the boardedpartition threw one corner of the playground into deep shadow. The boysrushed into the angle, and, crouching down in the inky darkness, were atonce hidden from the view of any one who might advance even to within afew feet of their hiding-place.

  They had hardly time to conceal themselves, when a man, the outline ofwhose figure they could just make out in the gloom, came through thegarden door, and, advancing a few yards, stood still, turning his headfrom side to side as though looking to make sure that the quadrangle wasempty.

  "He heard us talking," whispered Acton.

  The new-comer having apparently come to the conclusion that he wasalone, walked slowly across to the shed, halted in front of the door,and the next moment there was the sound of a key being fitted into thelock. At that instant Diggory, who had been craning his neck forward toget a better view of the intruder, suddenly gripped Acton's arm, and,putting his mouth close to the latter's ear, whispered,--

  "_It isn't Blake; it's old Noaks!_ Now keep quiet," he added, as hiscompanion made a movement as though he meant to rush out of theirhiding-place; "let's see what he does."

  "He's the thief who stole all those things!" answered Acton excitedly."He must have another key, and he's going to bag something now."

  Noaks (for certainly it was he) disappeared inside the shed; but in afew seconds he was out again, and once more stood waiting as thoughundecided what to do next.

  Before the boys could have counted ten, there was a low whistle in thelane.

  "They've come," whispered Diggory. "He's got the key of the door, andis going to let them in."

  His words were speedily verified, and the next moment two more figuresentered the playground, the object of their visit being at once madeevident by the fact that one of them was carrying a bucket. It was toodark to distinguish their faces, but the short conversation which tookplace on their entry soon made them known to the two watchers.

  "Now, then," said old Noaks, "if you're going to do it, just looksharp."

  "Awful joke, isn't it, dad?" answered one of the new-comers. "Lend us ahand, and we'll dip 'em all in this bucket and put 'em back again."

  "No, I shan't," returned the man. "I don't know nothink about it.It's your game, and all I promised was I'd open the door."

  "Well, show us where the box is.--Come on, Hogson; don't make more rowthan you can help."

  After a moment's hesitation and some muttered remarks about "that thereBlake" and "them uppish young dogs," Noaks senior led the way across thegravel, and followed by the two Philistines entered the shed. Hardlyhad they crossed the threshold when Diggory started up, kicked off hisslippers, crept swiftly and noiselessly as a shadow across the ground,and before his companion had time to realize what was happening, thedoor of the shed was slammed to and locked on the outside.

  To describe exactly what followed would be well-nigh impossible, as eventhe principal actors themselves seemed to have but a confusedrecollection of the part they played. Those concerned, however, willprobably never forget Diggory's bursting into the room as they satfinishing supper, and striking every one dumb with amazement by sayingto Mr. Blake, "Please, sir, some fellows are stealing our fireworks, andI've locked them up in the shed." And there will still remain in theirminds memories of a wild rush to the playground; of old Noaks beingperemptorily ordered to "clear out," and on attempting to bandy wordswith Mr. Blake, being taken by the scruff of the neck and "chucked out;"of the two Philistines being conducted, under a strong escort, toMr. Welsby's study; of a polite note being dispatched by the latter toMr. Philips; and of the unmitigated delight of the Birchites when Hogsonand Noaks junior were delivered over into the hands of Mr. Fox,and marched off by that gentleman to take their trial at Horace House.Every one was in high spirits. Acton and Diggory were made to telltheir story over twenty times. Kennedy and Jacobs were at once declaredinnocent, and instead of being looked upon as outcasts, came to beregarded as martyrs who had suffered in a good cause. Old Noaks wasclearly the culprit. He volunteered no explanation as regarded hispossession of a duplicate key to the shed door, and though no attemptwas made to bring the charge home against him, there was little doubt asto his guilt, and he was dismissed the next morning.

  The firework display came off the following evening, and was a greatsuccess. Every rocket or Roman candle that shot into the air seemed toattest the final triumph of the Birchites over the Philistines, andwas cheered accordingly. I say final triumph, for the removal of youngNoaks and Hogson from the rival school caused a great change for thebetter among the ranks of Horace House. The old feud died out, givingplace to a far better spirit, which was manifested each term in thefriendly manner in which the teams met for matches at cricket andfootball.

  This sounds very much like the end of a story; but it is not, and for aconnecting-link to join this chapter to those that follow, we will goforward for one moment into the future.

  Nearly a year later Diggory and Jack Vance were sauntering arm in armacross one of the fives-courts at Ronleigh College.

  "D'you remember," remarked the former, "how, that night we caught thePhilistines bagging our fireworks, you said, 'Well, I should think nowwe've just about finished with young Noaks'?"

  "Did I?" answered Jack, shrugging his shoulders. "My eye, I ought tohave said we'd just begun!"